Day: June 24, 2021

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Paco Rubio

National / Events

Born in Usagre (Badajoz), he trained in Hospitality and Tourism at the Cambrils Hospitality School (Tarragona). Later he completed his training working in different hotel establishments in France, England and Switzerland, returning to Barcelona to work at the Hotel Arts, where he was appointed Hotel Sommelier.

Later, the birth of his daughters, made him change his course and direct his professional career to the commercial world, always linked to wine.

Different work experiences in different aspects of wine marketing led him to land in the heart of Priorat.

Pau Peyri Pellicer

Viticulture & Wine Maker

Originally from Porrera, descendant of local viticulturists and with over 16 years experience in the wine sector.

After 7 years working in local cellars, Pau decided to move forward by starting an Enology degree in in the Rovira i Virgili university of Tarragona.

After completing his degree, he went to Oporto, in Portugal, where he experienced a totally new wine world, completely different to that of the Priorat.

After his experience in Portugal, he decided to return to Catalonia, stopping first in the Penedes and then returning to his home in the Priorat.

Josep Riba Comaposada

Head of Enology & Viticulture

Pep manages our vineyards and produces our wine.

He originates from Santa Coloma de Queralt, with a dilated experience in civil engineering, his life completely changed during a trip to Australia where he was introduced to viticulture, an experience which inspired him and changed his life ambitions.

On his return home, he decides to study wine making in the Rovira i Virgili university of Tarragona.

During the past 7 years, he has had the opportunity of working in the Napa Valley (California), the Penedés, Gredos and currently in the Priorat.

Gemma Morató

Sales Director & Sommelier

I grew up in the Penedes region surrounded by vineyards and a vibrant wine culture. Although the landscape and culture influenced me from an early age I went to university and graduated with a Spanish Language degree, then went on to become a teacher and then and had the opportunity to qualify as ISO9001 Quality Manager.

In my spare time I enjoyed visiting wineries, tasting a wide variety of wines and getting to know the winemakers. I realised I’d love to work in the wine sector and what better place to implement a quality strategy than a winery! This was a great experience as I had to be immersed in all aspects of winemaking, and, which later, motivated me to study International Trade and become a qualified Sommelier and worked in wineries in the Penedès and surroundings.

To follow your passion is the most enriching experience, especially working in a dream place like Priorat, and particularly this incredible winery and share these wines with the world.

Michael Grupper


Founder and active manager of Clos Pachem.

Born in France to a Swiss mother and French father.
His father, passionate about wine, guided and shared his passion with him.

Although Michel trained as a surgeon (he is currently leading a medical foundation to help children in third world countries). For over 20 years he has participated in different wine fair associations, and as a founding member of an“urban cellar” (Les Vignerons Parisiens) combining work and passion.

10 years ago chance brought Michel to the Priorat. He was amazed by the scenery and by the people of this wine terrain.
Clos Pachem is the result of these experiences and a never ending passion.

Situated in the old quarters of Gratallops, it encompasses sustainability through its architecture, the scenery and its people.


Send the reservation request or contact us directly at or at  (+34) 621 690 521


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Vinya i Celler

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